The English Medium Myth

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संक्रांत जी का उत्तम लेख दैनिक जागरण में प्रकाशित हुआ देख

कर हृदय आह्लादित हुआ | समय आ चुका है जब हम भारतीयों को अंग्रेज़ी का दासत्व अंततः त्याग कर अपनी-अपनी मातृभाषाओं का गर्व से, अधिकाधिक प्रयोग प्रारंभ करना चाहिए |

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Angreji Madhyam Ka Bhramjaal

Front Cover
Prabhat Prakashan, 2015 – Literary Collections – 152 pages
भारत में आज यह अवधारणा व्याप्त हो गई है कि केवल अंग्रेजी माध्यम की शिक्षा ही विकास का आधार है। इंजीनियरिंग, चिकित्सा, कानून और उच्च न्यायालयों का संचालन केवल अंग्रेजी में होने से इसी माध्यम का वर्चस्व बना हुआ है। ‘अंग्रेजी माध्यम का भ्रमजाल’ पुस्तक इसी मिथ्या भ्रम को खंडित करती है। समृद्ध देशों में लोग विज्ञान एवं अन्यान्य उच्च शिक्षा अपनी मातृभाषा में प्राप्त करते हैं। शोध विवरणों से पता चला है कि छात्र अपनी मातृभाषा में विज्ञान को बेहतर समझते हैं।भारत को विकास के पथ पर आगे ले जाने के लिए उच्च एवं व्यावसायिक शिक्षा सभी भारतीय भाषाओं में उपलब्ध होनी चाहिए। इस पुस्तक में विशिष्ट नीति प्रस्तावों के अंतर्गत भारत की प्रतिभा को विश्व स्तर  पर  उभारने  हेतु  एक व्यावहारिक मार्ग प्रशस्त किया गया है।निजभाषा के प्रति सचेत और जागरूक कर स्वाभिमान और गर्व के साथ विकास करने को प्रेरित करती पठनीय पुस्तक।
The English Medium Myth
The English Medium Myth: Dismantling barriers to India’s growth
Authors: Sankrant SanuRajiv MalhotraCarl Clemens
Genre: Education
Publisher: CinnamonTeal Publishing
Publication Year: 2014
ISBN: 978-93-84129-19-4
India has bought into the idea that progress is only possible with English medium studies. Engineering, medicine, law, High Courts function in India only in English resulting in the rush to English medium. The English Medium Myth dismantles this idea. People in the richest countries are studying sciences in their mother tongue. Numerous studies show that better science

Here Are 5 Myths About English That All Indians Should Stop Believing Right Away

Aug 09, 2016 at 18:21


Recently, Uma Bharti remarked on the need to propagate Indian languages and how English becomes a barrier. Predictably, people on English news portals jumped on her remarks. 

Sample a comment on one such portal:

There are some enduring myths about the English language in India, particularly in association to “progress”, “technology” and “modernity”. As someone who went to an English-medium school in India, I myself subscribed to these myths. It was only when I traveled the world, to over 30 countries, that I realized our assumptions about English are that of frogs in a well.

When I was a manager at Microsoft, I visited my team at the Microsoft development center in Israel. This was eye-opening. I later spent a summer traveling in Indian villages and I realized the real cost of our assumptions about English. Contrary to the notions I had about English is necessary for science and technology or for India’s progress, I came to realize that India’s English-medium obsession is one of the biggest barriers to India’s development.

Here then are 5 enduring myths about English:

India’s English-medium obsession could be one of the biggest barriers to India’s development / Reuters

  • Myth 1: English is a language spoken by all well-educated, developed, technically-savvy people in the world

There are millions of people in the world who are well-off, well-educated and technically savvy and they don’t speak a word of English. When I was in South Korea, I found it to be an affluent country. However, it was nearly impossible to find someone who spoke English apart from the staff of the luxury hotel I was staying in. In China, I found a tech-savvy population and a proliferation of high-end iPhones. Yet, even at a fancy restaurant in Beijing, I found that not one person—from the wait-staff to the manager—spoke a word of English. I can’t imagine something like this happening in India. The staff at the Chinese restaurant asked me to type my order into their smartphone. They then used the Baidu app to translate it into Chinese.

(Left) Ad for Audi in Beijing is not in English. Ad for multinational bank HSBC is in Turkey. Photo: Sankrant Sanu

  • Myth 2: MNCs do all their business in English; English is necessary for an MNC job

MNCs in all major countries operate in the local language. When I was at the Microsoft Development Center in Haifa, Israel, I was surprised to find that the language of communication was Hebrew, not English. Emails were in Hebrew, technical documents and discussions were all in Hebrew. This, when the entire population of Israel is less than that of Delhi. Similarly, Samsung, which is one of the biggest electronics manufacturers in the world with cutting-edge technology has a CEO who did his MBA in Korean. Samsung uses Korean in South Korea, uses Thai for office jobs in Thailand, but in India it uses English. MNCs choose to adapt to different countries of the world but in India, we bend backward assuming MNC means English.

Car number plates in Thailand. Notice Devanagari-like script. Photo: Sankrant Sanu.

  • Myth 3: English is India’s “competitive advantage” and necessary to develop India

This is the most enduring myth—that English has given India a “competitive advantage” in Information Technology. There are highly technically advanced societies, such as Japan, that do not use English. Some years ago I traveled to Indian villages armed with IQ tests. I found, to my surprise, that rural children outscored urban Indian children in IQ. English, as the language of higher and professional education, alienates these children. They find math easy but English hard. 

Chinese use local language in technology. For representation /Reuters

Even when it comes to outsourcing, the advantage is temporary. China’s programmers learn in Chinese and have teams with one outward-facing project liaison who speaks the client language. Thus, China is providing outsourcing to the US, using English, but also to Japan, using Japanese. Only about 5% of the world’s population is native English speakers and the importance of this segment will likely decline as the US and the UK decline as Economic superpowers. China is also investing in technological innovation, developing its own companies, like Baidu and Weibo for search and social networking while its entire technology education uses Chinese.

  • Myth 4: Indian languages are “not suitable” for science and technology education

Science is taught at the graduate level in dozens of languages across the world, from Japanese to Portuguese and from Thai to Polish. It is even written using the pictographic Kanji (Japanese writing system) script with thousands of characters. Even MS-DOS the command prompt operating system from Microsoft supported Kanji characters 30 years ago because the Japanese demanded it.

In Japan, students learn science in local language / Reuters

Indian languages, on the contrary, are highly scientific. They are phonetically sound and can express a range of sounds. They also have technical literature and vocabulary for hundreds of years. Sanskrit-based grammars also make it very easy to construct new words.

Hebrew was once considered a dead language, yet it was revived for science and technology education. Technion, Israel’s foremost engineering college is Hebrew-medium and is ranked much higher than the IITs. Languages need investment. India simply needs to invest in its languages and keep them contemporary. It is much easier to translate one thousand key books on science and technology than teach a foreign language to a billion plus people.

Students at The Technion-Israel Institute of Technology / Facebook

  • Myth 5: People want English, but the government keep pushing Hindi/Indian languages

It is, in fact, the other way round. It is English that is pushed in India by government policy. The government allows only English in the Supreme Court and most High Courts. Most top institutes, be it the IITs, the IIMs or the AIIMS, they are all funded by the government and operate only in English. Most government websites still use English as the primary language. But is this because people want it?

No, where people have a real choice, they prefer to consume Indian languages, not English. Only one of the top 10 newspapers in India is in English. As a percent, less than 10% of the newspaper readers prefer to read in English. English TV channels have an even smaller percentage of the audience. Thus, given a choice, most people would rather read and listen to their own languages.

It is the vernacular newspapers, and not the English language ones, that rule the market in India.

The demand for English arises because of flawed government policies that are pushed by the elite. We need to provide an equal opportunity to study Indian languages. This will allow deep technology penetration. English cannot be the vehicle for our development, rather it remains the biggest barrier to our progress.



The English Medium Myth

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शिक्षा अधिकार क़ानून (आर टी ई) पर दैनिक जागरण में आज मेरा लेख।

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Twitter Chat about education in India  

Scientific Research consistently has shown that children learn better in their mother tongues. Yet the Indian govt’s  policies creates a mad rush to English-medium, destroying talent, minds, and culture. 

Children Learn Better in Their Mother Tongue

Children Learn Better in Their Mother Tongue

Globally, there are 50-75 million ‘marginalized’ children who are not enrolled in school. Children whose primary language is not the language…

और अंग्रेजी को कूड़े में कब डालेंगे?  @upma23
Why are such signs written in English if only 10% of Indians understand or speak little English?

एअर कनाडा को हिंदी के प्रयोग में कोई परेशानी नहीं। वह पंजाबी में भी बोलते हैं। लेकिन भारत में आते ही हवाई अड्डे से ही अंग्रेज़ी ही सब जगह दिखती है।

दुनिया बहुभाषीय है। जब सब जगह अंग्रेज़ी ही झलकती है तो समझ लो की “भारत” पहुँच गए।

मेरे साथ फ़्लाइट में राजस्थान से लड़का। कटर में मज़दूर है। अंग्रेज़ी में कस्टम फ़ार्म भरने से परेशान। @SushmaSwaraj
पहले फ़ॉर्म द्विभाषीय होते थे। यूपीए सरकार नें केवल अंग्रेज़ी में बना दिए।भाजपा वही चला रही है।@SushmaSwaraj
केवल भारत देश है कि हवाई अड्डे पर अपनी भाषा कहीं नहीं दिखती। और लोगों को उस देश की भाषा में फ़ॉर्म भरने की सहूलियत नहीं। @SushmaSwaraj

Sankrant Sanu सानु Retweeted Anant Goenka

सबसे बड़ी परेशानी हमारी मानसिकता की है। हमारी ग़ुलाम मानसिकता ने अंग्रेज़ी को उच्च मान लिया। यह मानसिकता दशकों की भारत सरकार की नीति और भेदभाव का परिणाम है।

3 ppl on business class London to Mumbai reading newspapers that are in either Hindi or Marathi (NBT, Loksatta). In Europe we also often see passengers reading French/German newspapers..we must get over the idea that local language media doesn’t target a higher income audience.


देश, सरकारें, शिक्षा जगत कब देखेंगे कैसे अंग्रेजी की बाध्यता करोड़ों भाषा-भाषी बच्चों के आत्मविश्वास, शिक्षा, भविष्य की हत्या कर रही है?

Sankrant Sanu सानु Retweeted Abhishek

No surprise. Just like the colonial courts the patent office of the slave Republic of India does not allow patents to be filed in any Indian language.

Maodas Macaulayputra @Macaulayputra

@sankrant same situation faced by 10th pass auto driver for banking and administration. Considers himself illiterate as a result.

Sankrant Sanu सानु ‏@sankrant  Aug 2

I met a village boy who wanted to do industrial design. Couldn’t surmount AutoCAD being in English. Now drives a taxi.


Evolved Monkey @evolvedmonkey82

@sankrant A peon in my Dad’s business was a 10th fail. He passed Math and Sci but failed Eng. 6 times. India made him completely unemployable.
Every day stories of killing talent. India’s English elite have a study supply of servants due to #EnglishApartheid.
@sankrant @RWAnalytiks @desitechy many of our kids are forced to lay so much emphasis on English, that Engineering etc goes for a toss
Our #EnglishApartheid state has blocked 90% of Indians from higher, technical education. Then we cry for development. @Macaulayputra


@sankrant @PrakashJavdekar @mycobacteriuma English in higher education makes life extremely difficult for anyone from local boards
Isn’t that the point? To preserve the hegemony of the English servile class.

Priyank @priyank_ks

@Macaulayputra @sankrant Good number of ATMs in Bengaluru do not have Kannada as an option. Kannadigas have to struggle every day.
Absolutely unacceptable. Is this “financial inclusion”? @bibekdebroy


@rahuldev2 @sankrant wouldn’t GST will worsen it by forcing invoicing in English which may be difficult for many state babus & shopkeepers

Sankrant Sanu सानु ‏@sankrant  Aug 5

If GST implementation is monolingual, it should be opposed tooth and nail. Hope not.


#EnglishApartheid is systematically upheld in India from Supreme Court to the Central government to corporates. 
Rather @BJP4India should work to push regional languages in High Courts, higher Ed.


Priyank @priyank_ks

Physically capable of joining Army, couldn’t as the questions were not in their language but in Hindi&Eng  @sankrant
Time to reject an Indian state that discriminates against the languages of its own people. #EndLinguisticApartheid
@sankrant Many students have a brilliant brain but structure of English and idiotic spelling is unfit for them.Crime2impose. @PrakashJavdekar
Students shared how English holds them back after my talk at IIT Kanpur.  @PrakashJavdekar
See difficulties of even bright IIT students due to #EnglishApartheid. We destroy minds in India.  @PrakashJavdekar

vishwamohan @mycobacteriuma

How #English is playing a #spoilsport for #students at #engineeringinstitutes like the #IIT 
“English language is the primary reason of students dropping out of IITs“. India destroys talent. @PrakashJavdekar

Abhijit Majumder @abhijitmajumder

Macaulay destroyed India’s traditional education system & planted a new one to control our minds ~ Rao Inderjit Singh #MailTodayEduConclave
Why Macaulay? @BJP4India doing it today in continuing, expanding #RTE and #EnglishApartheid in higher education.
अंग्रेज़ी हमारी प्रगति का साधन नहीं हमारे पिच्छड़ेपन की भाषा है। इसकी ग़ुलामी से मुक्ति बिना कभी भी विकसित नहीं हो सकते। @PrakashJavdekar
भाजपा भी सत्ता में आकर इसमें लगी है कि अंग्रेज़ कैसे बने। भाषा के लिए कोई भी व्यावहारिक क़दम नहीं। @MaheishGirri #DigitalIndia #HigherEd
टेक्नॉलजी भरतिया भाषाओं के लिए बाधा नहीं सहायक है। जल्दी ही आप जापान में भी स्मार्ट्फ़ोन से अवधि बोल पाएँगे। @agavatar @shoksing @rahuldev2
Till 60’s Kannada medium was the rule (Up to SSLC), now its an exception.More coolies @sankrant
Yes, even small countries with small language base study in their own language. India is a travesty of slave minds. 
Really? Should/not language learning be a cakewalk for IIT students? EnglishClasses= the reason I went to college. 

Sankrant Sanu सानु ‏@sankrant  Aug 5

Some have a talent for math, others for language. Why force English? Allow opportunity for #IndianLanguage learners.
@sankrant #EnglishApartheid सच है| भारत मे थानिक भाषाओमे तकनिकी साहित्य व मार्गदर्शन की कमी के कारण देश का ६०-७० % यूवा वंचित है|
Our best athletes, like our future Nobel laureates, will come from the vast talent of rural India. India’s #EnglishApartheid holds them back.

AB @absrkr

@sankrant @PrakashJavdekar Dropouts R all progeny of Hindi-Chauvinist-Pigs&Quota-kids.Go check Blame English, in that same tongue, attire?
Reactions of English-wallahs to developing Indian languages is amusing. Like they can’t breathe. 🙂  @PrakashJavdekar
MediaCrooks @mediacrooks
Learning to communicate in English is a great asset… It’s just that Indian languages shouldn’t die.. that needs attn. that’s all @sankrant
.@mediacrooks I’m not cursing English, simply its discriminatory impact. It is oppressive for a billion Indians.
Learning English useful. Changing the medium of instruction to English is disastrous. English-only higher Ed is suicide.
MediaCrooks @mediacrooks
Rather than doing away with English Indian languages can be promoted and families must take first responsibility for this… @sankrant
No. State systematically discriminates against Indian Languages. Higher Ed, Courts, Eng, med. Not a “family fix.”
unfeignedme @unfeignedmeonly
@mediacrooks @sankrant no society can develop if they disregard mother tongue – learn Eng to progress know mother tongue to know your culture
Progress is not English. ‘Mother Tongue’ is not just for “culture” but development. No country developed without higher Ed in MT.
sinfinity @sinfinity85
It’s time that brings changes. languages evolve according to the times need if not English-Sanskrit would have emerged 
Myth. English use didn’t evolve “according to the times” but due to discriminatory #EnglishApartheid by Indian State
sinfinity @sinfinity85
हिंदी को पूर्णतः हिंग्लिश में बदलने पर भी आज के ग़ुलाम ख़ुश नहीं। अब लिपी भी मिश्रित कर रहे हैं।
गृहमंत्री @rajnathsingh जी का करारा जवाब
  1. Did @BDUTT understand root meaning of anathema in her tweet? Did @nikhilesh01 in his #EnglishHubris?�� @madhukishwar
Vilas Tamhane @tamhanespeaks
All other countries mentioned has one language. ThWorld will come closer with one international language. @DeepakJonna @sankrant
Among major countries, only India has an elite who actively advocate destroying their languages. Why not convert too?
@sankrant I agree on every bit with what u say.but, this shud have been done in 1947.the “last Englishman” to rule didn’t. Isn’t it 2 late now?
Not too late. English still disenfranchises a billion Indians. Cuts off from science, tech, MBA, law.  @desitechy,
@kiranjankalar @sankrant well some of the best thinkers, scientists, writers the world had produced were prolific in their mother tongue (1)
An (unverified by me) factoid I heard. No Nobel Prize winner in science who didn’t study in their MT at the school level
Abhishek Nigam @abhinigam2k3
@krprah eg a Tamil peasant has been unable to speak to an Oriya peasant all through history. @sankrant @desitechy @a_r_j_u_n @pranavn
Lol. Shankaracharya, a boy from Kerala, walked the land, setup Mathas. No mentions of “language problem” in India.
Since days of Ramayan, Mahabharat, Adi Shankara Indians communicated pan-India and beyond…Brits alienated us.
Apparently, before the British came Indians weren’t talking to each other. No char Dham yatras, Shankaracharya. 
  1. It’s a rotten education system that churns out tens of thousands of educated masses who are clueless about the fundamental basics of their democracy.
  2. Parents to blame too. We want our kids to be engineers, docs, managers, CAs, whatever. But we fail in teaching them to be informed, citizens.
    The “New” education policy is so flawed, bureaucratic and outdated that it’s difficult to critique in bits. The babus just don’t get it.
    We need an enabling-framework rather than a restricting one. Completely decentralize public education, dismantle state-level bureaucracy 2/n
    Provide direct tax for local schools with local accountability. Hire for specific schools so a village is not a “hardship” posting. 3/n
    Remove all RTE “infrastructure” requirements for schools. Let a million flowers bloom. Create minimum learning outcomes to meet. 4/n
    Dismantle #EnglishApartheid in Higher and Professional end. Fund #IndianLanguage higher ed at par with any English IIT/IIM/AIIMS etc. 6/n
    The #NEP‘s “solutions” are the exact opposite. It thinks bureaucratic monitoring and control will fix education. Trust people, not govt. 7/n
    The genius of India can never be unlocked by centralized control. We are destroying minds by creating education scarcity via controls… 8/n
    We cannot convert a billion+ people to a foreign language for higher and professional education. #EnglishApartheid holds us back. 9/n
    Govt-funded #EnglishApartheid forces rote learning and lack of comprehension destroys #DemographicDividend, kills #SkillIndia. 10/n
    We need a grounds-up re-imagination of education to seize the tremendous opportunity for truly developing & revitalizing our minds.
    Our schools don’t teach basic skills. Colleges teach nothing of value. “Social sciences” break society. We do little relevant research 13/n
    But our bureaucrats have produced a “new” education policy whose innovative idea is to “merge” distant schools to meet RTE infra norms 14/n
    Now we’re expected to provide feedback on the band-aids they’ve stuck to cure cancer. Maybe merging two bandaids will fix it? n/n @sankrant
    Dismantle #ReligiousApartheid in education. People should not be penalized for belonging to one religion or another. Create le
    Twitter Chat about education in other countries
    Shef @desitechy
    “much easier translating 1000 key books of science +tech to Indian languages than teach English to 1 billion+ Indians. Well Said @sankrant
    It’s a one-gen problem. I asked an EE student in Poland about translation. He said their Profs write books. In Polish.
    जापान अग्रिम गाड़ी-उत्पादक बना जापानी भाषा में, सैमसंग वैश्विक इलेक्ट्रॉनिक कोरियन, इज़्रेल हाई-टेक हीब्रू में। भारत पिछड़ा अंग्रेज़ी में।
    most countries top MNC jobs are in local languages. #SlaveIndia stuck with English.

    Maodas Macaulayputra @Macaulayputra

    @sankrant Overvalued English breeds low self-esteem among all strata in every aspect. From the meek MEA babu to an auto-driver
    अंग्रेज़ीवाद के कारण यह आत्मसम्मान का अभाव चीन जैसे देश में नहीं दिखता। वह हमसे कहीं आगे निकल रहे हैं।

    CC @Satyanewshi

    @sankrant @BJP4India I don’t agree to beg good in English is our competitive advantage which China and Japan don’t have.
    English is such an “advantage” that we’re far behind Japan, and even China is surging ahead in software & technology 


    Spatel @Rjrasva
    The Japan That Can Say No by Akio Morita & Shintaro Ishihara, 1989 -Morita was Sony chairman, contrast N Murthy etc
    अंग्रेज़ी की ग़ुलामी सभ्यता की ग़ुलामी को सींचती है।  @desitechy
    @sankrant @birajanath I have worked with Chinese in Chittagong Fert during shutdowns. They know no English/Bangla yet do such a marvelous job
    k Sankaranarayanan @skarpa23
    I had worked with a Chinese s/w vendor. Some of their best programmers, designers know only Chinese & proud of it 
    Absolutely. I’d hired programmers from Russia at Microsoft US who barely knew any English. Some of my best hires.
     People in Korea are using high-tech smartphones in Korean, China in Chinese. India has #EnglishApartheid barrier.
    Own smartphone S Korea 88% Australia 77% Israel 74% US 72% Turkey 59% China 58% France 49% Japan 39% India 17%
    China, using Chinese, is zooming ahead in Artificial Intelligence research. We are happy to get call-center jobs. Because

    China has shot far ahead of the US on deep-learning patents

    Chinese companies are registering for more AI patents than their American peers, including in the advanced subset of AI called deep-lea…

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