Exposing the Western Academics who Attack Hinduism and Challenging their Claims

Indra’s Net
It is fashionable among many intellectuals to parrot that dharma traditions lacked any semblance of unity before the British period, and that the contours of contemporary Hinduism were bequeathed to us by our colonial masters.
Such intellectuals often target Swami Vivekananda, accusing him of camouflaging various alleged ‘contradictions’ among the systems of dharma. He gets charged with appropriating ideas from Western religion and science to ‘manufacture’ a coherent worldview and set of practices known as Hinduism. This slanderous thesis is feeding the view that Hinduism is an illegitimate façade with oppressive motives.
This book offers a detailed, systematic rejoinder to such views, and articulates Hindu dharma’s multi-dimensional, holographic understanding of reality. Originating in the Atharva Veda, the concept of Indra’s Net is a powerful metaphor for this inter-relatedness. It was transmitted via Buddhism’s Avatamsaka Sutra into Western thought, where it now resides at the heart of post-modern discourse. This book invokes Indra’s Net to articulate the open architecture, unity, and continuity of Hinduism.
Seen from this perspective, Hinduism defies being pigeon-holed into the traditional, modern and post-modern categories by which the West defines itself; rather, it becomes evident that Hinduism has always spanned all three categories simultaneously and without contradiction.
Taking the debate further, Rajiv Malhotra argues that Vivekananda’s creative interpretations of Hindu dharma informed and influenced many Western intellectual movements of the post-modern era. Indeed, appropriations from Hinduism have provided a foundation for cutting-edge discoveries in several fields including cognitive science and neuroscience. Not only self-help gurus and lifestyle coaches but also scientists and philosophers increasingly draw on Hindu cosmology in framing their work.
Arun Shourie quotes Indra’s Net to clarify ‘vasudhaiva kutumbakam’
Conclusion and Book Signing
Arun Shourie’s Lecture of Indra’s Net
Rajiv Malhotra’s Lecture on Indra’s Net

The Launch of Indra’s Net- Bangalore 1/19/14: Is Hinduism defined as a way of life?
The Launch of Indra’s Net- Bangalore 1/19/14: Why is the book titled ‘Indra’s Net’?
The Launch of Indra’s Net- Bangalore 1/19/14: What should we do about media biases
The Launch of Indra’s Net- Bangalore 1/19/14: Where do you see India in the year 2020?
The Launch of Indra’s Net- Bangalore 1/19/14: Clarification of the principle of mutual respect
The Launch of Indra’s Net- Bangalore 1/19/14: What is wrong with Ford Foundation
The Launch of Indra’s Net- Bangalore 1/19/14: Description of Rajiv’s Bangalore trip
Launch of Indra’s Net- Bangalore 1/19/14: Conclusion of the event
Books by Rajiv Malhotra

Amazon.com: Rajiv Malhotra: Books, Biography, Blog …
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EVENT FLIER: My forthcoming lecture in the British Houses of Parliament.
OXFORD UNIVERSITY: My lecture and Q&A is scheduled on the day after my talk in the British Houses of Parliament
This is a quick media article. A major video with Hindi subtitles is coming on Monday showing this historic event in complete detail. http://eshadoot.com/2018/02/28/india-post-brexit-britain/ …
On my way to the British Parliament to deliver lecture yesterday
With Right Hon Teresa Villiers, Cabinet Member. She gave a very strong endorsement after my lecture
On my way to the British Parliament to deliver lecture yesterday
VENUE UPGRADE for Rajiv Malhotra’s Oxford Talk Title: DECOLONIZING ACADEMIA Venue: Randolph Hotel Ballroom, Beaumont St., Oxford 7 pm – Tea, Coffee, Snacks. 7:30 pm – Talk followed by Q&A February 23, 2018, Register: http://www.TheDharmicIndex.com Contact: Info@TheDharmicIndex.com