Astronomy Observations and Dating Ancient Indian History

Who is Nilesh Oak?
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Nilesh Oak was born in India. He received his B.S. in Chemical Engineering from UDCT, Mumbai University. He immigrated to Canada, where he received his M.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Alberta. He received his executive MBA from Emory University. He works for a Fortune 500 company. He is interested in Astronomy, Archaeology, Anthropology, Quantum Mechanics, Economics, Mythology, and Philosophy. Nilesh Oak resides in Atlanta, Georgia.
In a drastic re-evaluation of astronomy observations from Mahabharata, using the high-tech tool of modern astronomy and low-tech tool of the logic of scientific discovery, Nilesh Oak’s extraordinary book presents an ordinary theory of astronomy observations that would lead to a quantum jump in our understanding of the Mahabharata War: 
Acceptance of his theory leads to surprising conclusions about our current understanding of world civilizations, domestication of horses, dating of Ramayana or Vedas and antiquity of meticulous astronomy observations. Rejection of his theory would compel us to search for the likes of Newton and Lagrange, among the Sages of India, at least a thousand years before Sir Isaac Newton & Joseph-Louis Lagrange
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