Robert Vadra’s asset maze: Records show his companies have masses of land banks across three states

Tavleen Singh’s Latest Book Is A Scathing Denouncement Of The Nehru-Gandhis
Insider Accounts Establish Sonia Gandhi As Leading A Political Mafia? –
What is your view on saying ‘Congress has looted India for 70 years’? – Quora
9th DEC is officially Anti-corruption DAY for World.. for INDIA it is BirthDAY of a most corrupt person known to INDIA .. SONIA Gandhi
Mega Trillion$ Thorium Scam of #VaticanAgent SoniaG & team #CorruptCongress Contract given to an Amerian company who under the garb of dredging wud take away all the Uranium rich sand to US Reason why Sri Ram Setu was to be broken as that area rich in Uranium #RamSetuSatyaHai

I suggest observing this as “Fake Gandhi Day” or “सोनिया भारत छोड़ो दिवस”.

Where Did Nehru Go?????
This FAMILY picture has 4 Congress party presidents for last 60 years …How can this party be for people?
यूपीए की ग्यारह वर्ष का कार्यकाल चर्च द्वारा धर्मान्तरण प्रायोजित था —!
SSubverted our culture
OOrganised the loot of India
NNurtured terrorists in India
I Imposed Apartheid on Hindus
A Aided Anti-Nationals in India
Sonia Gandhi is retiring it is a very sad day for India…..She should have been put in jail…An Italian Vatican stooge with no skill looted India and we did nothing
Priyanka Gandhi Robert Vadra … got a Govt bungalow in Lodhi estates of Delhi. Pappu Gandhi has one …Sonia Gandhi also has one … Why? After three years of BJP Govt?
Do you know Pappu Gandhi (12 Tuglaq Road) and Sonia Gandhi (10 Janpath).. live separately in two bungalows… and Taxpayer of INDIA pay for the upkeep and security …Costing Lakhs of rupees per month
Poll – What will Sonia be doing after retirement
Please trend #corruptSonia today is her birthday ..remind everyone in INDIA how she destroyed INDIA
#corruptSonia #corruptcongress 9th December should be mourned as Corruption day … this day Sonia Maino Gandhi was born
The most Corrupt politician in INDIAN history has been Sonia Gandhi…9th DEC is her Birthday Lets MAKE that day as #corruptionday #corruptsonia … Let’s prepare for it and trend
Distortion of Indian History by Nehruvian Historians
Distortions in History: Causes and Consequences- Table of Contents
Distortions in Indian History, Dealing With Core Issues
A theory of the abuse of History
India, Indology and Deep Colonialism (by Subhodeep Mukhopadhyay -Part 4)
Distortions in History: Causes and Consequences- Ch. 2: Distortions in Indian History
Check how Britishers distorted the Indian history systematically!
How Indian History Was Distorted, The First History Of India – Ramani’s blog
Hinduism or Sanatan Dharma-A victim of fake propaganda and …
Leftist historians distorted Indian history: Venkaiah – The Hindu
‘Left-leaning historians distorted Indian history’- The New Indian Express
TED Talk: Historical Distortion of Ancient India by Sakethram Desabhotla- Updated with pictures – YouTube

Distortion of history by NCERT – Shri. Niraj Atri (Part 2) – YouTube
Distortion of history by NCERT – Shri. Niraj Atri (Part 3)
The Old Guard Protests…
Stop Distorting Facts, Say Eminent Historians To PM Modi

How the colonial-minded Sepoy brigade of Nehruvian Historians protected the Myth of Aryan Invasion Theory.
Aryan Invasion Theory

Aryan Invasion Theory Opponents
Told PM Narendra Modi privately that country shouldn’t be divided in to religious lines: Barack Obama https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/told-pm-modi-privately-that-country-shouldnt-be-divided-on-religious-lines-barack-obama-1782394 …

Anthony Saldanha Retweeted DailyO
This is not first time In Feb 2015 when Delhi church attacked then Prez Obama called Govt of India with stern message &12 hrs action by Delhi police. God forbid UN sanctions don’t come down as I suspect Obama message is just a precursor to what’s to come https://twitter.com/DailyO_/status/936600801262362624 … …

Are you referring to the Church Terrorists in North-East India who rape Non-Christian women and Mass Murder Hindus/Tribals to spread Gospel?
When has the Catholic Church ever honored Hinduism or its great gurus, given upconversion efforts, or apologized for the Inquisition in Goa? Its efforts to undermine India’s great dharmic civilization have been going on for centuries.
Are Christians safe in India or Pak/Bangla? Church attacked, 9 killed in Pak. Christians have been decimated, persecuted or killed in Pak. Indian Christians don’t yet understand! Here they enjoy more rights than Hindus.
There is a hit list Mr. Rebeiro, but not with your name. We heathens are targets. My article: http://www.rediff.com/news/column/no-Christians-are-not-persecuted-in-india/20150320.htm …
I’ve watched RSS workers closely. It serves d suffering in quakes, war, flood, hurricanes,famine&plagues without any advertising. RSS is pro India, pro-Hindu.Arn’t All Indians Hindus? Bharat is the mother of RSS, it’s 4 uniform civil code. Jihadists only call it terrorists
These rice bag missionaries are not even leaving the #Andamantribes alone! Even though they are protected tribes, and contact is forbidden UPA gave free run to these guys to ‘civilize’ them! @noconversion @NawazSariif @AdiMadhav @kapoorashok25 @DrGarekar @Kaalateetham @krdave

Breaking India forces, joining hands in the name of getting more free benefits
Equality demanded Dalit Christians and Muslims

Dalit Christians !!! From Dalit to Christian to Dalit Christian …. they change for government benefits, started by Khangress

The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India (CBCI) has designated that August 10 be observed as a “black day,” and called for demonstrations to be organized to show support and solidarity to those…
#Dalit #Christian want benefits of Dalit + Minority because they are Christian…Why Christianity has a CASTE system where they oppress people?

A lot of Practicing Xtians were employed in TTD over the years on a reservation basis. They are now openly roaming to Churches for worship & challenging AP state govt to remove them from a job if the govt has guts??
Converted Christians are trying to become Dalit Christian so that they can get benefits of being minority and SC/ST… nice

Did the “Art of Living” Event Destroy The Yamuna, as Alleged?
Jaggi Vasudev’s Isha Foundation buildings unauthorised, State tells Madras High Court
jaggi vasudev’s isha foundation buildings unauthorized, state tells Madras high court
The court is hearing a PIL filed by Vellingiri hill tribal protection society, seeking demolition of the alleged unauthorized structures.
visit to sadhguru jaggi vasudev ashram | isha yoga center in Coimbatore
Kris •
Jaggi Vasudev is popular and a powerful catalyst in reviving Hindu thoughts.
Christian-Missionary Raj in India thru Sonia (Miano) Gandhi | Sulekha Creative
“By education, I am an Englishman, by views an internationalist, by culture a Muslim & a Hindu only by accident of birth.” Such an ‘accidental Hindu’ guy and his progeny steered the destiny of this Hindu-majority nation for many decades. Did they love the people or themselves?
Sonia Gandhi begs Muslim votes through Bukhari but here’s one from Bangalore:
What should be the caption for this?Our tax money goes to Hajj Subsidy Christian Schools Islamic Madrasa JNUPaid Media Why This needs to STOP Right now
Mamta loves Muslims and Christians !!!
Shocking! In an inhumane, cruel, Barbaric act, a 6 months pregnant relative of a BJP worker was first kicked in the stomach and then raped by barbarians of TMC !! Is West Bengal no more a part of India? Will it be allowed to run the ISIS way? @PMOIndia
West Bengal panchayat poll: After BJP candidate refuses to withdraw the nomination, her pregnant kin…
The incident occurred in the wee hours of Sunday when the alleged ruling party cadres broke into the candidate’s house (name withheld) at Ghoralia number 2 gram panchayat.
Arvind Kejriwal by attending Christian conversion event it is a direct indication of his support
Arvind Kejriwal supporting Hindu to Christian conversion program – YouTube
Current situation of India ….Hindus have failed to recognize the biggest threat to Bharat …Evangelical Christianity which is based on expansion
She did so much damage to TN that it has become worst than NE
Amma with all the Papas This is the reason TN is more than 20%Christian !!

These type of images and messages are giving FALSE sense .. Majority of CONVERTS have kept HINDU names and on paper, they are counted as Hindu so that they can get SC/ST benefits .. pure nonsense
No Conversion Retweeted
apple aurat @vidusri apple aurat Retweeted apple aurat
Year you go ask for CSR funds for @aim4seva or such organisations which truly practice secularism we are turned away. And Govt gives incentives to missionaries etc . @noconversion

Huge modern govt funded schools in Telangana. Reserved 100% by religion test. No admission if you’re cursed to be Hindu in “secular” India.
I have never seen any programs like this for Hindus … Even the Temple money goes to GOI
#Rohingya Muslims are converting to Christians in Delhi… Because they know Govt in Delhi is going to provide benefits and protection
Exclusive: Amid Talks Of Deportation, Some Rohingyas In Delhi Convert To Christianity
They live a quiet, sheltered life in Delhi’s Vikas Nagar

#KanhaiyaKumar: The New Hero My #cartoon https://t.co/16f3VmyWib

Pic 2: Bakr Eid Mubaraq Ho!
Once a year Holi is bad! And What happens daily in lakhs of Slaughterhouse in India is Good for Water !!!
After Ban On Sale Of Fire-crackers, Why Not Have Eco-friendly Eid With A Ban On Slaughter Of Animals? I argue:
Hindus should in December start green Christmas drive. No cutting trees, no crackers, no drinking.
After a ban on thesale of fire-crackers this Diwali, why not have eco-friendly Eid, and Christmas with a ban on…
Republic TV investigation down on the ground in New Delhi found firecrackers being sold against the ban imposed by the Supreme Court. …
If this is true, it would be a massive blunder & deception of the Indian public. Why no full disclosure all along?
Delhi’s rising pollution is caused by a dirty fuel that most countries have banned
#BoycottPanasonic Diwali is over .. but we have to make sure that we DO NOT forget this issue while making our next purchase
Delhi’s rising pollution is caused by a dirty fuel that most countries have banned
Eliminating firecrackers won’t solve the problem. Killing fuels dirtier than coal would.
Western media upset at Taj Mahal downgrade, but never noticed the neglect of so many Hindu iconic sites:
Is India neglecting the Taj Mahal because it was built by Muslims?
Foreign Media Asks Is India Neglecting Taj Because Muslims Built It
Is India neglecting the Taj Mahal because it was built by Muslims?
The country’s key attraction has been denied promotion and cultural funds by the Hindu nationalist state government.
No Conversion @noconversion 23h23 hours ago

क्या हिन्दुत्वादी सरकार केरल में हिंदुओं की सुरक्षा के लिए कदम उठाएगी ? जहाँ हर दिन हो रही है एक हिन्दू की हत्या । http://azaadbharatofficial.blogspot.in/2017/05/Every-day-in-Kerala-killing-of-294-Hindus-Hindu-has-been-done-till-now.html …
Yesterday @SitaramYechury shamelessly blamed these victims for their death.. #JanaRakshaYatra
Sadanand Master is a living example for #CPMTerrorism.Both his legs were chopped off by CPM goons. #Kerala #BJPLivesMatter @SitaramYechury

Girish Alva Retweeted HaindavaKeralam
The Brutal murder of Anand should be the last sacrifice! We cant let this continue anymore! #BanTerroristCPIM
Anand- 26 years old #Dalit Swayamsevak was stabbed & killed by leftists-Islamist goons in Kerala today. The pic is heartwrenching! How Anand’s Amma struggled to raise her son, into a bright youth! #LeftistTerror shattered all her dreams today. Om Shanti!
#ModiAssassinationPlot was done by professors and lawyers, the #UrbanNaxals hiding in plain site in your colleges and neighborhoods. @vivekagnihotri‘s book is extremely timely, but is anyone listening? @HMOIndia
Buy Urban Naxal Book Online in India | Garuda Books
Urban Naxal – Shop Urban Naxal Book Online in India written by Vivek Agnihotri from Garuda Books online store with free shipping.
Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy | |
![]() |
गुड़ से परहेज पर गुलगुले से प्यार? इसाई होकर हिंदू मंदिर में क्यों दी गई प्रस्थापना? हिंदूओं की संपत्ति को लूटने के नए नए हथकंडे अपनाए जा रहे हैं,एक गौ भक्षण करने वाले द्वारा बालाजी मंदिर की पवित्रता भंग करना क्यों सहन करें हिंदू? @noconversion @TrueIndology @8177sonali
No Conversion Retweeted Sriram
Christians run their own gov? just like Muslims
Y politicians meeting churches for TN/KL fishermen issue? Do they run separate govt? @republic @TimesNow @IndiaToday @mediacrooks @rvaidya2000 @noconversion

This Sri Rama Vidya Kendra, probably the biggest Kannada medium school, was deprived of mid day meals due to hate filled governance of Siddaramaiah. But RSS leader Dr. Prabhakar Bhat didn’t give up. It scored 98% results in 2nd PUC (12th), while Karnataka’s average is 59.5% pass
Christian Missionary groups have played a big role in Karnataka elections… the year 2019 will be challenging for BJP and Hindus #KarnatakaFloorTest

we have to reverse this !!!
what do you say Now Hindus, Secular Hindus, Dalits ???
Archbishop of Delhi appointed by the Vatican asks Christian in INDIA to pray to defeat Modi govt in 2019 .. in reality ..as religious head he is asking people to make the political decision as dictated by FOREIGN org.. —
Delhi Archbishop launches election prayer campaign – ucanews.com
Delhi’s archbishop urged prayers for India’s democracy. Then he was slammed by Hindu nationalists.
Delhi Archbishop launches election prayer campaign – ucanews.com
Indian Catholics need to pray ahead of next year’s federal polls as democracy is under threat, he says
This is purely to instigate .. and Malign INDIA …Christian Archbishops .. appointed and PAID by the Vatican is gearing up for 2019 .. first Delhi and now Goa
“Constitution In Danger, People Living In Insecurity”: Goa Archbishop
“Constitution In Danger, People Living In Insecurity”: Goa Archbishop
The archbishop of Goa and Daman has written a letter saying that the Constitution is in danger and a lot of people are living with a feeling of insecurity. In the letter…
Delhi’s archbishop urged prayers for India’s democracy. Then he was slammed by Hindu nationalists.
Conservatives are angry over the Delhi archbishop’s letter about religious tension in India
An open letter to the archbishop of Delhi @gurichopra @Bengaloorurani @followaanchal @manisha_kadyan @ManshuKadyan @muglikar_ @vinayak_jain @TrueIndology @tishtriya @raniroyrocky @NamasteNiHao @ggiittiikkaa @GitaSKapoor @noconversion @GabbarSanghi @Gopanarya @TajinderBagga

Here’s the translation
“Rahul Gandhi in Digboi”- When people remain poor congress xtian party can then send missionaries. This is how they ruled India for 7 decade
Shameless TN Govt won’t allow Hindu s to have Ganesh Chaturthi procession. But Christian conversion procession is OK

Public sector-RINL donating to Christian organizations that promote conversions
In 1904 Britishers passed Land Bill and gave Huge land in all cities to Church
New worship places built in last 20 years in
Tamilnadu. Churches – 17500
Mosque – 9700
Temples – 370
We pay 28% GST Christian CHURCH pays NO Income TAX NO GST all they do is collect money EVERY month for PRAYER
CHURCH fighting another CHURCH &Christian Judge refer bible in court decision? Don’t we have INDIAN constitution http://www.livelaw.in/kerala-hc-quotes-bible-fighting-church-factions-read-judgment/
Do you know Pappu Gandhi (12 Tuglaq Road) and Sonia Gandhi (10 Janpath).. live separately in two bungalows… and Taxpayer of INDIA pay for the upkeep and security …Costing Lakhs of rupees per month
The Govt owned land is given away by Local ML A to start a new Church in local School premises
Tension prevailed at Nidamanuru village on Saturday when villagers staged a protest in front of Government High School opposing the deci…
मुसलमानों के हज का खर्चा , हिन्दू के टैक्स से .. अब इसाई लोगों के लिए घुमने फिरने का खर्चा भी टैक्स के पैसे से … हम हिन्दू क्या सिर्फ टैक्स देने के लिए बेठे हैं?
FREE MONEY gave to CHRISTIANS by Govt of India … just like Muslim get for Hajj HINDUS just Pay TAXCall to Christians to utilize govt’s Jerusalem pilgrimage scheme – Times of India
Call to Christians to utilize govt’s Jerusalem pilgrimage scheme – Times of India
Christians in the district have been urged to make use of the Jerusalem Pilgrimage Financial Assistance Scheme of the state government, which…
Loan Waiver program ONLY for Christian Converts … GOVT is encouraging conversion
The State has been witnessing an unprecedented scale of relief measures under the present Government, said Minister of Welfare of Scheduled …
Tamil Nadu Government provides Financial Assistance to Christian only so that they can take a pilgrimage trip! All paid by tax money. In last 4 years, this program has expanded 5 fold
Andhra Gov also provides the subsidy to Christian only so that they can take a pilgrimage trip! All paid by tax money
No Conversion @noconversion Apr 18

How does Christian Missionary make TAX free and GST free money? this is from Paul Dhinakaran Site … he charges Rs500 per month for prayer?? he has 500+ prayer tower and more than 10000+ people doing “prayer” @sambitswaraj @IncomeTaxIndia @HMOIndia
ajit doval exposed media and ngo, real enemies of hindustan !!!!
The Swan Song of the Gatekeeper’s Cabal –

ईसाई missionaries के फेकेहुए पैसोओर TRP केलिए झूठ को सत्य साबितकर समाजको झूठ दिखा रहा है।
What’s more Dangerous #JihadistThreatToIndia or Terror Apologists who keep a blind eye to this clear present danger
Missionaries have planted NGOs & Media Houses to execute Anti-Hindu agenda. #Media420