From Vishnu Purana –
“उत्तरम् यत् समुद्रस्य हिमाद्रे चैव दक्षिणम्।
वर्षम् तद् भारतम् नाम भारती यत्र सन्तति:।।”
The county located on the north of ocean and south of the Himalayas is called ‘Bharat’ and its citizens are called ‘Bharati’.
The county located on the north of ocean and south of the Himalayas is called ‘Bharat’ and its citizens are called ‘Bharati’.

Ghar Vapasi


Missionaries are not here to appreciate our thousands of years of history, Culture and Faith They come to destroy it

This what missionaries are destroying our culture our heritage our religion

This is What is being destroyed by Christian Missionaries INDIA ItSELF
